Today’s advanced internet technologies let us to arrange our meetings, trainings and seminars go through live on the internet and reach thousands of participants.

Actually, broadcasting videos on the internet is a tough job. Because it needs both broad bandwidth and a huge resource. It also needs to host the videos in different video formats so that enabling different devices to view these videos.

Beyaz Net has many serious experiences on web video broadcasting with many carried out projects which contain possibilities like being reachable from different type of devices and addressing multiple users.

Web video broadcasting simultaneously to 25.000 audiences, instantly converting video broadcast into two different formats, live broadcasting through the web, game playing while live broadcasting, Web TV, linking to live broadcast vehicle, hosting videos through different servers in cloud, integration video with data base and adding subtitles to videos, are only a few of our projects.

As for some details of our video services:

Video Hosting Service

Converting videos into two different formats for web broadcasting so that make it available for viewing by web browsers and iphone/ipad devices. In case of existing any critical videos, they are being transferred automatically to cloud system which is settled abroad and this access redundancy provides cost advantages.

- Getting video files from almost every environment (MMS, RTMP, http, FTP)

- IPad, IPhone, Web, Android compatible video

- Automatically adjusted broadcasting quality depending on band width
- Video compressing

- Load distribution to multiple servers (Load Balance & Backup)

Live Video (Streaming) Service

Streaming service is a live broadcasting service for a great number of audiences through the internet. This broadcasting service may grab video files from very different environments (Live Broadcast Vehicle, camera, web etc.). This service is also available for viewing by many environments such as  iPhone, iPad, Android, Facebook etc.

- iPad, iPhone, Web, Android compatible streaming

- High traffic capacity

- Load distribution to multiple servers (Load Balance & Backup)
- Video transferring through 3G
- Broadcast transferring from cameras and live broadcast vehicle to the web.

Video Converting Service

Video files are very band width hungry and they cover too much space in storage devices. Additionally, some video formats can’t be viewed in every environment. This video converting service makes the resolution, format and quality of the videos changable. In addition, using some different compressing technics enhances the broadcasting quality and makes the traffic more comfortable.

Getting video files from almost every environment (MMS, RTMP, http, FTP)

iPad, iPhone, Web, Android compatible streaming

- Analog Video, S-Video and HDMI compatibility
- Video compressing
- Adding titles into the videos

Video Broadcasting System for Education

This system is especially designed for students to view education videos in classrooms. The videos can be selected according to the student who is online and viewing the videos in high quality is possible with a user friendly interface.

- User interface (category, instructor, video selection, fault reporting)
- Sending password via SMS
- Flexibility of integration to user database (Active Directory, LDAP)
- Automatically synchronization of video servers (Center and branch offices)
- Encryption of the communication between the video server and client
- Adding titles into the video
- Advanced management panel ( definition of classroom, instructor and student, customized video authorization etc.)
- One touch installation to the computers

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